Curated Explorations
Curated Explorations LLC is a luxury and experiential travel expert. We provide you peace of mind before, during and after your adventure. With meticulous research, we design unique and hand-picked experiences that perfectly align with your interests. When you plan a trip with Curated Explorations, you’re unlocking a world of in-the-know expertise, unbelievable travel perks, and access to a well-edited portfolio of the best brands in the business.
Amanda Morris
Luxury Travel Advisor and Founder of Curated Explorations

Amanda took an active interest in travel at an early age. Family road trips across the US every year and the influence of family and friends who traveled extensively gave her a longing to travel. Amanda has a degree in Architecture which fueled her desire to see in person the buildings and cultures she learned about in her studies.
After marrying Josh, they traveled together across the globe to 5 different continents. Together they have ridden horseback through the Andes Mountains in Chile, explored the Thai Ruins in Ayuthaya by elephant and abseiled (rappelled) down the Blue Mountains in Australia.
Family Travel Experts
When their daughter was born, the three of them traveled together to faraway places. As a family, they have climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence, enjoyed a tea ceremony in Tokyo and traversed a Via Ferrata in Switzerland among many more adventures. Family travel is a specialty and passion of Amanda’s. She believes that not only can you travel with children, but it also enhances a trip.
Cultural Experience Expert
Amanda has extensive, first-hand knowledge of many destinations and cultures. She specializes in designing trips and providing advice for travel to destinations throughout Europe and Asia. The Mediterranean (especially Italy) holds a special place in her heart.
Whether it’s diving into a new culture, a relaxing getaway, or a return to a favorite destination, Amanda designs hassle-free experiences to gain a deep appreciation for a culture and create lifelong memories.
Contact Amanda to plan your next trip of a lifetime.